According to the National Association of Sales Professionals (NASP), most people don’t trust salespeople. But should all salespeople be painted with the same brush? Are there truly “sales professionals” that establish a genuine level of trust? And if you are in sales, how do you become one of these trusted professionals…more than just another “empty suit”?
In this eye-opening Tigerpaw interview with Larry Lavine, best-selling author of “Selling from the Heart,” you’ll learn how to become a sales professional that not only makes money but also builds trust with customers by being more authentic. If you think you have what it takes, this interview will:
- Highlight Larry’s roots in the office equipment channel and his decision to leave it
- Help you to understand the “3 Es” that true sales professionals live by (Education, Engagement & Excitement!)
- Why “hacks” and “shortcuts” should be avoided at all costs
- Why there isn’t a single sales professional who shouldn’t be working at getting better
- Why self-reflection and understanding are far from mushy and absolutely critical in good sales processes
- Why business really is PERSONAL
- The consequences of “winning at all costs” and how to avoid them
- How you can harness the power of the sales formula that great salespeople live by: AR + MV x IE x DA
- The importance of mentors and coaches in becoming all you truly can be
If you are a sales professional looking to raise your game and to inspire more trust and credibility with your customers, this is an interview you absolutely MUST consume!
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